Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It wasn't easy to decide to raise our kids in the city. I grew up out in the sticks, watching Sesame Street and wondering what the song "These are the People in your Neighborhood" was talking about. "The people that you meet, when you're walking down the street..."?? The only thing I met walking down my street was the pick-up truck that gave me my first concussion at age 8, and the occasional interesting bit of road-kill. I dreamed of living in a bustling city. But there is such a pull when you become a parent to give your kids not only what you didn't have growing up, but what you DID have. This is what makes us neurotic wrecks.

So we got a place close to the park, we go camping whenever we can, and I take every opportunity to re-connect my kids to the "natural world". I put that last part in quotes because kids don't recognize the difference. The world is the world, man. Some parts of it just have more dirt to play in.

So Jack and I are at the food co-op yesterday, and I see that they are now carrying honey in the comb. Nature Lesson! Dad puts on his teacher's hat:

"Oooo, Jack! Look at this! They have a chunk of honeycomb here, with the honey still in it! Look! You can see where the bees capped off each little chamber to hold the honey in place! Wow! We could buy some of this and..."

Jack interrupts me:

"Umm, Dad?"

He looks at me sideways and cocks an eyebrow

"You know they have honey in JARS here, right?"

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