Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Jack translates train conductor:

So I'm on the train with both boys, it's crowded and noisy. I'm standing, and the boys are two seats apart. In this configuration, I have to bend at the waist and bob my ear from one kid to the other trying to hear their stories and answer their questions. For those of you that are musically inclined, picture a metronome set to "largo".

I'm trying to decipher Isaac's (adorable) squeaky three-year-old babble, when I realize Jack is asking me a question.

"what's up Jack?"

"Daddy, what did that train conductor just say?"

"Not a clue, man" (this is the type of train conductor with a serious romance going on with the mic. The announcements are plentiful, loud, and completely indecipherable to humans)

I turn back to Isaac, and as he is finishing his story, I hear Jack say to no-one in particular

"I know what he said now. He said 'Don't the elevator'".

I told Jack that was as likely as anything.

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